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The Story






"Now, listen to me very carefully!" said the at this time 102 year old Marko M. Feingold, and then he told me in detail about his imprisonment between 1938 and 1945. In the Salzburg synagogue. With no time pressure. For four hours. Filmed in 4K.

And I listened very carefully while one of the most prominent and last surviving witnesses of Nazi persecution and the holocaust authentically and movingly told of his life, of how through a miracle he not only survived Auschwitz but also the concentration camps in Neuengamme, Dachau and Buchenwald as the only one of his family.

Not only me, but rather the entire world should be able to listen and watch when Marko M. Feingold describes his experiences. From the almost four hour interview in the synagogue, we possess a lasting film document that will be made accessible to as much of the general public as possible.

Now this document is provided for schools at bildungsmedientv.at ("Geschichte und Gesellschaft" > "NS-Zeit: Zeitzeugen").





Documentary film

86 min., 4K

Script: Klaus T. Steindl

Director: Klaus T. Steindl

Production: KREATIVkraft in collaboration with W8 Filmsolution und Biri Editing

Supported by: 


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